Pregnancy Snacks

As your pregnancy progresses towards your third trimester you might find it harder and harder to have meals at your normal portion size as everything inside your tummy gets squeezed over.. Or maybe you feel so nauseous during your first trimester that you can’t even face the thought of a meal.  Pregnancy can also make some women feel hungry all of the time. This is where snacks are your friend.  I have lots of clients who come to my studio for maternity portraits click here to see examples. and our chat inevitably turns to health and food.  I’ve found out some fascinating facts over the years and thought it would be really useful to share some of that information with you.

In this blog I’m going to give you a few ideas for healthy snacks you can stock up on and even pack and take to work to keep you healthy during your pregnancy.

Apple & Cheese

This snack combo is perfect in terms of nutrition.  You’ll get fibre from the apple and calcium from the cheese.  It’s important you get enough calcium whilst you’re pregnant – not just for your own bones and teeth but for your baby’s bones too.  This is also a great snack to pack up and take to work or out for the day.

Greek Yoghurt and Blueberries

The greek yoghurt is great for your calcium intake but because it’s also high in protein, it will keep you fuller for longer.  Add a handful of blueberries and you have a nice daily dose of antioxidants.  Top it with a few nuts and you’ll get some extra healthy fats too.


Make up a plate of small finger sandwiches with healthy fillings to keep in the fridge.  Add some carrot, cucumber and celery sticks to the plate and put it right at the front so it’s the first thing you see when you open the fridge.  This way you’ll always have a small healthy snack on hand with no fuss. (A midwife gave me this tip and it’s also great for when you have a tiny newborn – that’s when you can forget to look after yourself!).

Sliced Watermelon

Watermelon has a high water content so is a great snack to keep you hydrated during pregnancy.  It’s also high in potassium which is an important mineral your body needs during pregnancy.  There are some other great sources of potassium here


If you’re feeling nauseous, dry crackers can give some women a bit of relief.  Add cottage cheese for a healthy portion of calcium or dip into guacamole for some healthy fats.  To stay fuller for longer choose a protein for your topping such as mackerel,  Mackerel also contains omega-3 which is associated with baby’s brain development and nervous system.

What’s your favourite pregnancy snack?  Maybe you have a recipe I should add to the blog?  Drop me a message and I’ll include it.